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How Can I Facilitate Argumentation in My Classroom?

Our previous posts have attempted to convey how important it is to use argumentation in your science teaching. It’s been shown to have a hugely positive impact on student learning of science content. John Hattie discovered argumentation or class discussion has an...

Why Is Argumentation Important?

“I just know it.” “I figured it out in my head.” As teachers, we often get this response when asking students to tell about their thinking.  We rely on our students more and more to reveal the thinking processes used to arrive at their conclusions, yet students...

What Is Argumentation In Science Education?

Argumentation. Teachers tend to avoid all forms with students, yet argumentation is one of the most important skills we can instill in them.  No, it isn’t the kind of arguing over recess or snack time, although those are both excellent examples if done correctly....